5 Must Have Dutch Delights

The beautiful winding canals, a crazy amount of cyclists, beautiful Dutch architecture, an easy-going friendly vibe and you know you are in the vivacious city of Amsterdam. With so much to say about this gem of a place I decided to write about the must haves rather than the must sees. The electric charm has you…

6 Trips A Girl Must Take

They say, and I quote “Travel is the only things that you buy, that makes you richer.” The statement can’t be more true, with the world that it opens up, travel teaches, explores, and educates us in ways nothing can. Travel has a different meaning or reason for everyone, but it always also manages to…

5 Kinds of People You Meet on a Flight

Taking a flight, especially long haul can be a make or break experience depending on who is sitting next to you. From the loud annoying ones, to the quiet and easy ones there is a variety and mix of different kinds. I’ve had a fare share of fun, annoying, quiet, and interesting encounters to sum…